What region has 24 hours of darkness in December?

friend Travel 60

  Most areas that are north of the Arctic Circle experience at

What region has 24 hours of darkness in December?-第1张图片-Answerbox

  least 24 continuous hours of night during December. When the Sun's

  overhead path moves south of the equator (late September), it goes

  below the horizon as viewed from the North Pole. The pole itself

  gets 6 months of day and 6 months of night.

Related Q&A:

What region has 24 hours of darkness in December?-

Well, the regions that experience 24 hours of darkness in December are typically in the Arctic Circle and nearby areas. You know, places like parts of Alaska, northern Canada, Greenland, and Scandinavia. These areas get super cold and dark during that time of the year. It's like nature's way of giving them a unique and extreme winter experience. Oh, and it can be quite a challenge for people living there, but they adapt and have their ways of coping with it. How fascinating, isn't it?