i belive nac is because loop is larger and there are potential
growth areas all over the city unlike lufkin have south end and
north town is terribly going down hill in economy nac has north end
growth south end growth and west end to get ready to set in pop
2011 census show 33000 residents and of lufkin at 35000 but we grew
10 percrent lufkin grew 7 percent so that lets u know where the
growth is happening if we had every store lufkin has u probably
could drive with stand stills every that lets every one knows and
from loop 287 north to south takes 15 mins an at rush hour 20 mins
but in nac 20 min at rush one side to another 30 to 35 no joke
Related Q&A:
Is Nacogdoches bigger than Lufkin-Well, you know, it's not that straightforward to say for sure. Nacogdoches and Lufkin have their own unique characteristics and sizes. But in general, when you look at things like population and land area, Nacogdoches might be a bit larger than Lufkin. However, it really depends on how you measure \bigger\ If you're considering economic activities or certain specific industries, the comparison could vary. So, it's not an easy one to give a definite yes or no answer to. But as far as common measures go, Nacogdoches could be seen as slightly bigger.