What happened to the Walton School in Panorama City California?

friend Travel 77

  The Walton School, a former Moose Lodge, was torn down sometime

What happened to the Walton School in Panorama City California?-第1张图片-Answerbox

  in 1973. It was only in operation for about four years before it

  lost its accreditation. The building was demolished and a parking

  lot now stands where it used to be. The Walton School was known for

  its liberal and creative teaching methods as well as the celebrity

  names of some of its students. It was the '70s. There was a lot of

  polyester. Most of us who attended the school have a lot of fond

  memories of the place. If anyone from Walton reads this, please

  reply and I'll get in touch with you. Missy M. Walton School,


Related Q&A:

What happened to the Walton School in Panorama City California?-

Oh, well, I heard that the Walton School in Panorama City, California has been going through some changes. Apparently, there have been some renovations to the school buildings and facilities to improve the learning environment for the students. Also, they might have changed some of the teaching methods or introduced new programs to enhance the quality of education. But you know, it's hard to get all the exact details. Maybe there were some administrative changes too, but that's just what I picked up from the grapevine.