What is greek goddess ate's symbol?

friend Travel 62

  The Greek goddess Ate is typically associated with a blindfold, representing her blindness to consequences and her tendency to lead individuals towards reckless actions. In some depictions, she may also be shown holding a sharp sword or a flaming torch, symbolizing destruction and chaos. Ate is often portrayed as a force of mischief and delusion in Greek mythology.

What is greek goddess ate's symbol?-第1张图片-Answerbox

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What is greek goddess ate's symbol?-

Well, you know, Ate was a Greek goddess who represented mischief and folly. But as for a specific symbol associated with her, it's not as clearly defined as with some other Greek deities. However, if I had to take a guess or come up with something, it could perhaps be something like a broken mirror to signify the shattered illusions and mistakes she brought about. Or maybe a tangled rope to represent the confusion and chaos she caused. But really, there's no widely accepted or well-known symbol for Ate like there is for some of the more prominent Greek goddesses.