Are Palestine Judah and Israel the same places?

friend Travel 54

  The word 'Palestine' is a Greek corruption of 'Philistine', in other words attributing the Palestine region to the land of the Philistines. In fact, the Philistines really only occupied the coastal plain and foothills from the Egyptian border north to approximately where modern Tel Aviv is situated. Palestine, Israel and Judah represent different political and geographic entities: Modern Israel and the Palestinian Territoriestogether occupy the territory known as Palestine prior to 1948, when the modern state of Israel was formed. Judah was the southern Hebrew kingdom and, although the borders were flexible, generally occupied a small, inland territory to the west of the Dead Sea. Ancient Israel was the much larger northern Hebrew kingdom that existed from the tenth century BCE to the eighth century BCE. Once again, the borders were flexible, but for much of this time, Israel occupied the inland territory north of Judah and extending north to the Jezreel Valley. In the period leading up to its final conquest, Israel only occupied the city of Samaria and its immediate environs. During the period known as the United Kingdom, The Bible says that Israel occupied a territory that included most of Palestine, including Judah, and possibly some further conquered territories. However, some scholars dispute this record.

Are Palestine Judah and Israel the same places?-第1张图片-Answerbox

Related Q&A:

Are Palestine Judah and Israel the same places?-

Oh, no way! Palestine, Judah, and Israel are definitely not the same places. Judah was an ancient kingdom in the region. Israel is a modern state. Palestine is a territory with a complex history and ongoing disputes. They have different historical, cultural, and political identities. The situation in this region is quite complicated and has been a subject of much international attention and debate. So, they are not the same at all!