In Maharashtra, surnames are not always indicative of caste, as many surnames are shared across different caste groups. Khedekar is a common surname in Maharashtra and can be found among various castes, including Marathas, Brahmins, and others. Therefore, it is not accurate to determine someone's caste based solely on their surname.
Related Q&A:
Can you please tell me surname khedekar belong to which caste in maharashtra?-Hey there! Well, determining which caste a particular surname like Khedekar belongs to in Maharashtra can be quite a complex and sensitive matter. Caste systems are not as straightforward as one might think, and it's not always easy to make a definite determination. Plus, in today's modern and diverse society, focusing too much on caste might not be the most appropriate or relevant approach. We should strive to look beyond these traditional classifications and appreciate people for who they are as individuals.