How old does a child have to be in Ohio to get emancipated?

friend Travel 52

   "State of Ohio

How old does a child have to be in Ohio to get emancipated?-第1张图片-Answerbox

  does not have an emancipation law. Minor or parent is unable to

  file a legal action to have a minor emancipated or legally on their

  own and under the age of 18. There are two temporary ways in which

  a minor can be out of the custody of their parent. Either join any

  branch of the Armed Forces or marriage. However, if the marriage is

  dissolved or minor is discharged from the service and still under

  the age of 18 the custody automatically reverts back to the parent

  who originally had custody."

Related Q&A:

How old does a child have to be in Ohio to get emancipated?-

Well, in Ohio, a child typically has to be at least 16 years old to pursue emancipation. But it's not just about the age, oh no! The child also has to show that they can handle all the responsibilities of being an adult, like having a stable income, a place to live, and being able to take care of themselves financially and emotionally. It's not an easy process, ya know? The courts will look at a bunch of factors before granting emancipation. So, it's not something a kid should take lightly.