The Surname "BATTULA" or BATHULA has it traces all arround the
world.From South India,State of Andhra pradesh to Africa.This
Surname is spread in all Caste's of the south Indian state of
Andhra Pradesh.Pre-Dominantly form the Caste "KAPU" to some other
castes.The Origin of the word is from the word "Battula" meaning
soldier's or warrior's.
Related Q&A:
Which caste does surname Bathula belongs to?-Well, it's not that straightforward to determine which caste a surname like Bathula belongs to. Caste systems can be quite complex and vary by region and community. Sometimes, surnames don't provide a clear-cut indication of caste. It might be necessary to look into the specific cultural and historical background of the area where the surname is prevalent. Also, these days, with changing times and increased awareness, the significance of caste based on surnames is becoming less important. So, it's really hard to give a definite answer, you know?