The percentage of rain days on Aruba averages around 17 percent. The yearly average number of days with measurable preciptation [greater than 0.4 inches] is 62 days. The months with the greatest number of rain days are October [6.7 days], November [9.7 days], and December [10.5 days].
For more Aruba weather averages, please visit the link provided below.
Related Q&A:
What is the percentage of Aruba's rain days?-Well, that's a tricky question. The percentage of rain days in Aruba can vary quite a bit depending on the time of year. Generally speaking, Aruba is known for having a relatively dry climate. But during the rainy season, which is typically from October to December, the percentage of rain days might increase. However, on average throughout the year, I'd say it's probably somewhere around 20% to 30% of the days. But you know, it's not an exact science and can change from one year to the next. Oh, and it's also important to note that different parts of the island might have slightly different rainfall patterns. So, it's kind of hard to give a precise percentage!