Arctic foxes, like all mammals, give birth to live young. They do not hatch from eggs. Female Arctic foxes typically give birth to a litter of 5-8 pups in a den during the spring after a gestation period of around 52 days. The pups are born blind and deaf and are cared for by both parents until they are old enough to fend for themselves.
Related Q&A:
Do Arctic foxes hatch from eggs or are they born alive?-Oh, for sure, Arctic foxes are born alive! They don't hatch from eggs like some other creatures. You know, when it's time for a new Arctic fox to come into the world, the mother gives birth to live babies. It's a natural and wonderful process. These little foxes are so cute and helpless when they're first born. Isn't that amazing? They depend on their parents for care and protection as they grow up. So, no eggs for Arctic foxes, just live births!