Well, honey, in Nepal, the person known as "ghar ko bagh banko syal" is none other than the legendary King Prithvi Narayan Shah. He was a total boss who unified Nepal and had a fierce reputation like a tiger in his own house. So, if you're looking for the OG ruler of Nepal, that's your guy.
Related Q&A:
Who is known as ghar ko bagh banko syal in Nepal?-Well, I'm not really sure who is specifically known as \ghar ko bagh banko syal\ in Nepal. It's not a term that's widely familiar to everyone. Maybe it refers to a local figure or someone within a specific community or cultural context. But without more specific information or context about this term, it's quite hard to give a definite answer. You might need to provide more details or check with people who are deeply familiar with the local culture and traditions of Nepal. Oh my!