The surname "Sable" is a common surname found in the state of Maharashtra in India. It is primarily associated with the Maratha community within the state. The surname "Sable" is often linked to families with a history of military service, landownership, or agricultural backgrounds in Maharashtra. It is important to note that surnames can be shared by individuals from various backgrounds and communities within the state, so the specific cast of individuals with the surname "Sable" in Maharashtra can vary.
Related Q&A:
What is the cast of surname sable in maharashtra?-Well, that's a bit of a tricky question. I'm not really sure about the specific cast associated with the surname Sable in Maharashtra. You know, Maharashtra is a diverse state with many different communities and castes. It could be difficult to pinpoint exactly which caste it belongs to. Maybe you could do some more research or ask someone who has in-depth knowledge about the local castes in that region. Oh, I wish I could be more helpful on this one!