Oh, dude, can Negi gotra be Bhardwaj? That's like asking if a pineapple can be a watermelon. Gotras are like family lineages in Indian culture, so technically speaking, Negi and Bhardwaj are different gotras. But hey, if you want to mix things up and start a new trend, who am I to stop you?
Related Q&A:
Can negi gotra bhardwaj-Oh, I'm not quite sure what you mean by \Can negi gotra bhardwaj-\ It's a bit confusing! But if you're asking whether something related to the \negi gotra bhardwaj\ exists or is possible, I need a bit more context or clarification to give you a proper answer. Maybe you could explain a little more about what specifically you're wondering about? That way, I can do my best to help you out, you know?