What were the years of operation of Albert Pick and Company?

friend Travel 45

  Al Pick & co. is a hotel supplier that operates between

What were the years of operation of Albert Pick and Company?-第1张图片-Answerbox

  1885-1930+. The exact dates could probably be extracted through an

  inquiry to the Il. Sec. of State, Div. of Corporations or the same

  entity for the State of N.Y. Pick had business offices in both

  States and businesses are required to file and register. N.Y.

  records go back to 1811.

Related Q&A:

What were the years of operation of Albert Pick and Company?-

Well, let me tell you. Albert Pick and Company was in operation for quite a while. It started way back in the late 19th century and continued its business activities until the mid-20th century. I think it was around the 1880s when it began and lasted until maybe the 1950s or so. But you know, getting the exact years can be a bit tricky. It's been a while since those times. But that's roughly the period when it was up and running. Hope that gives you a general idea!